© DVC Planners - Coultas Industries, Inc. 2012
DVC Planners
Precision Sheet Metal Specialist
We do Precision Sheet Metal Right! Our talents go beyond just Sheet Metal though.
Small Jobs or Large we can handle it. We have been involved in Precision Sheet
Metal and machining/welding Fabrication for over 30 years! Our combined experience
is 60+ years.
Sheet Metal Design, CNC programming, Flat Pattern Layout
3D Solid Model Design Service. Sheet Metal Design Simplification.
Precise and Accurate Flat Patterns from 3D Solid Models,
We can provided manufacturing drawings
from 3D solids that have minimal documentation with them.
We excel in creating Shop Drawings that can be used
on the shop floor to aid in the Forming of
and in the Fabrication of provided 3D solids (See Samples)
We can provide accurate flat DXF files for your Cad/Cam System
to help enable you to do CNC programming for Laser or Turret software.
We can use either Cadkey, KeyCreator or Solidworks to build you models
We can export many formats.
We use Amada AP100 US and FabriWin to do our CNC programs.
Flat Pattern layout: We build 3D Solid Models of the part or assembly and then unfold.
CNC Programming of Turret Presses, Plasma, Laser and Combo CNC Programming.
Specializing in all Amada Turrets.
We can program the Amada Apelio combo Punch & Laser Turret Press.
We also do Strippit, Weidemann, Trumpf and Finn Turrets.
We use Amada AP100 or Fabriwin to generate your programs.
Below are actual Samples done by DVC Planners
Flats and Shop Drawings Provided
Created & Designed by DVC Planners
Elegant Table Created by DVC Planners
We Use SolidWorks and or KeyCreator.
We know more than just CAD/CAM we have
worked in shops with our bare hands! We were
there before the CAD systems and have hands
on experience. We know what works and what
does not work.
We Accept Company Purchase orders/Checks
and the Following Forms of Payments: